Call To Click niches, earn 1.300€ in Adsense in 1 day and microniches VS meganiches with Bruno Ramos


Hi, what's up reader! I'm back here with an interview to one of the most established referents of Google Adsense in the Hispanic scene: my good friend Bruno Ramos.

He has been building websites for many years and generates several salaries per month with Google Adsense, one of the most "attractive" and "unicorn" monetization systems for SEO professionals.

And you know what? Despite this, it is humble.

Today, we are proud to interview him twice, as he is also a teacher at where he teaches a Adsense 2020 advanced course from 0 to 100.

We will talk aboutAdsensebut also many other things like microniches, meganiches, CTC niches, ways to boost a niche by creating satellite niches... and a long etcetera.

I don't want to spoil it for you, it's worth listening to it yourself.

Press the play button!

Table of contents

  • 1 Minutes of the interview
    • 1.1 [1:40] How did you start in the Adsense world?
    • 1.2 [3:52] How much did you earn in cumulative since you started Adsense?
    • 1.3 [6:25] Any success stories with Google Adsense optimization?
    • 1.4 [8:22] How to play with satellite blogs at SEO level to boost an Adsense niche?
    • 1.5 [12:00] What motivated you to join SEOWarriors as a teacher?
    • 1.6 [14:25] What will SEOWarriors students see in the Adsense course?
    • 1.7 [16:44] Are micro-niches recommended for someone who starts with Adsense?
    • 1.8 [17:54] When do you know if a small niche is expandable in Meganiche?
    • 1.9 [22:19] Microniches vs. Meganiches or Macroniches
    • 1.10 [24:08] What do you think about thank you sites, meanings of, etc?
    • 1.11 [26:27] What do you think about unifying several microniches like the meanings of flowers, candles, etc. into one?
    • 1.12 [28:28] What do you think about the famous Adsense Call to Click niches?
    • 1.13 [30:41] How do you see from an SEO and Adsense point of view the kind of giant animal portal I want to set up?
    • 1.14 [35:24] Any tips/recommendations for appearing on Google Discover?

Minute of the interview

Below are the questions I asked Bruno and the corresponding answer. I'll also leave you the minute in which they occur in case you want to skip to that part.

[1:40] How did you start in the Adsense world?

Bruno talks about how he got started with this form of monetization and is curious to see how he did it. It was a little bit by chance and today he has become one of the most knowledgeable people about Adsense in Spanish-speaking SEO.

[3:52] How much have you earned cumulatively since you started Adsense?

Although this is sensitive information, Bruno gives a approximate figure of what he has earned so far with Google Adsensewhich few people do.

I can tell you that this is a more than considerable number because if Adsense is easy to implement, it is not so easy to monetize (well) with this system. The secret is

[6:25] Any success stories with Google Adsense optimization?

Bruno explains here the case of a niche he created from scratch for his course.

He explains a bit about the steps he has taken and the money he makes month after month.

[8:22] How to play with satellite blogs at SEO level to boost an Adsense niche?

In this section, he explains how he uses satellite blogs to give his money site or his main site more power or authority.

What he says is very interesting and I could even reproduce it in one of my niches :O

Keep an eye out for the tips he shares at this point in the interview.

[12:00] What motivated you to join SEOWarriors as a teacher?

What he tells in this part defines the kind of person Bruno Ramos is, a person always ready to share his knowledge with others without expecting anything in return.

[14:25] What will SEOWarriors students see in the Adsense course?

He talks about how the Adsense course he teaches at is focused and what students can learn.

It is also important because it is a course that is completely up to date for 2020 and reflects all the changes that Adsense has undergone in recent months.

[16:44] Are micro-niches recommended for someone who starts with Adsense?

He gives us his opinion on micro-niches and how he sees the implementation of a project of this type for someone who does not have much knowledge and who is starting out.

[17:54] When do you know if a small niche is expandable in Meganiche?

He tells us about a very interesting case that is totally related to the question I asked him.

Quick analysis and testing is the key to knowing if it is viable to move from a Microniche to a Meganicho. This question is being expanded and we are also starting to talk about the paid traffic.

[22:19] Microniches versus Meganiches or Macroniches

Bruno tells us which is his favorite among these 3 types of websites and explains us the reasons of his choice.

[24:08] What do you think about "thank you" sites, the meaning of words, etc?

He explains how he sees these types of niches. The traffic they got from these websites was what really made them valuable, but with the way Google has been behaving lately, it may not be worth the effort to put into these types of websites.

They require some SEO knowledge and a lot of resources.

[26:27] What do you think about unifying several microniches like the meanings of flowers, candles, etc. into one?

Unifying several microniches into one Meganicho is complicated and even more so if you take into account the problems that occur with the approval of websites by Adsense.

Here we are again talking about satellite blogs.

[28:28] What do you think about the famous Adsense Call to Click niches?

Some of these niches have generated up to 4 000 €/month with only 5 to 10 urls.

Bruno is hinting at something obvious from Google, which is looking for branded websites and has focused on niches that are only looking to monetize.

[30:41] How do you see, from an SEO and Adsense point of view, the kind of giant animal portal I want to set up?

Bruno gives his opinion on this aspect and believes that we should not focus only on Adsense to monetize this type of site.

The sale of products on these portals becomes a very important part of revenue diversification.

This is a very interesting topic: Google Discover.

[35:24] Any tips/recommendations for getting listed on Google Discover?

In this last part of the interview, Bruno gives some tips on how to appear on Google Discover, which is a huge traffic spike.

Resources mentioned:

I leave you with the resources we mentioned throughout the interview:

  • Success story in blogger3cero where Bruno tells how he earned 37 k with Adsense
  • Interview with Marta Ríos, winner of the first month of the Tormenta Nichera competition

That's the end of today's interview.

If you want to see what Bruno does best, don't miss his classes:

See the syllabus of the Adsense Advanced 2020 course - By Bruno Ramos

See you soon!


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Google Adsense

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By Google Adsense

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